Do your bit: Join the team

Fill in the form below to sign up, to scroll down to learn more, or read the FAQ’s

Let’s go!

Interested in being part of the team? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly!
We can't wait to hear from you!

Lets make it happen!

Volunteers make a huge difference for events like this.

Just giving 2 or 3 hours of your time will be a huge contribution for your community.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes!
    85% of people who volunteer at community events report feeling prouder of where they live and more connected to their community.

  • You can choose how much time you want to volunteer, perhaps you have two hours free, maybe you have two days. It doesn’t matter.
    You don’t need any specific skills or past experience, just a friendly smile and a desire to be part of your community

  • No, if you are volunteering, you can be part of an event for free! However, you won’t be able to participate in the workshops without a ticket.

  • Yes, we will hold briefing sessions for all volunteers the week before the event. You will be given everything you need.

  • This is an inclusive opportunity, and we will make any reasonable adjustments we can, to give you an enjoyable and rewarding experience. The most important thing to bring is a smile and desire to be part of your community.